Ask Yourself
1. Do you have a "dream job" ?
Then you are a candidate for phase one ("Assessment") of our full Career Transition Program.
Then you may: (a) be able to move forward on your own, or (b) benefit from phase two ("Options Exploration Research") of our full Career Transition Program.
2. Is your dream job realistic?
Then you are a likely candidate for phase two ("Options Exploration Research").
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Then you may (a) be able to move ahead on your own, or (b) benefit from phase three ("Implementation") of our full Career Transition Program.
3. Do you know how to find -- and land -- a job appropriate to who you are?
Then you would benefit from phase three ("Implementation")
Then you should move forward with alacrity -- full speed ahead. However, even in this case, our experience with thousands of clients like you suggests we are often able to minimize or circumvent obstacles to your career transition, and thereby to accelerate your progress.
Compare yourself to "career-change champions"
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