CONTACT: 212-877-7732
ISBN: 0125970609
Title: Career Renewal
Author: ROSEN
Cover: CaseBound
Published: October 1997
US Price: $24.95
Tools for Scientists and Technical Professionals
Stephen Rosen Affiliation: Director, Scientific Career Transitions Program; Chairman, Science and Technology Advisory Board, New York, New York
Celia Paul
Affiliation: Celia Paul Associates, Inc., Career Consultants, New York, New York
- Serves as a guide for scientists, engineers, and technical professionals to find a different and satisfying career by identifying career options in any field
- Features numerous personal case histories of those who have successfully made the transition from academia into the business world
- Helps identify your strengths through numerous assessment surveys developed for and by science professionals
- Discusses career selection criteria, supplemental references, the use and misuse of the Internet in a job search, and examples of appropriate on-line searches
- Offers extensive resume help with complete discussions of how to research and develop an appropriate resume
- Contains career resources on professional networking, mentoring, recruiters, preparing for interviews, and salary negotiations
- Written by an experienced career counselor and a Ph.D. scientist
Career Transformations.
Career Well Being: Your Career Well Being. Internal Hindrances to Career Transitions. "Trained Incapacity" Among Professionals. Even the Best of Times. Beyond Credentialism. Greener Pastures? On Behalf of Integrity, Ambition, and Self-Marketing.
Career Renewal: What to Ask Yourself When Developing a Career. Career Decision-Making Patterns. Values: Personal Priorities. Skills. A Preliminary Career Check-List: Taking Your Temperature. Non-Traditional Careers Using Science/Technology Skills. Your Interests: Future Skills Development. Career Options Exploration Research and Trend-Tracking. Quintessential Informational Interviews. Biographies are Better than Resumes for Contacts. Exponential Interviews, Mentors, Recruiters, and Career Counselors. Job Search Research: Get Real Before You Go Virtual. Letters: Cover, Contact, Thank You, Unorthodox. The Lengthy Process of Resume R&D. Preparation for Job Interviews, Negotiations, and Decisions. Career Transition Update: Where Are You Now? Good Career Planning Habits and Hygiene.
Appendices: Career Search Selection Criteria. Total Compensation Summary Checklist. Reference/Research Material. Selected Books to Help You Explore Your Career Options. Use and Misuse of the Internet for Career Transitions. An Actual Online Search by a Real Scientist Undergoing a Real Career Transition. Subject Index.