"Thinking about leaving medicine?"
Cynthia Starr From Medical Economics (Vol 20, No.5, May 2001, pg.42-51)
Heard about the obstetrician-gynecologist who
left practice to become a stockbroker? Would you believe a ballroom
dancer? A screenwriter? A seminarian? To hear our readers tell these
tales, you'd think they were speaking of medieval knights who chased
and won the Holy Grail. Rather, they're enviously recalling colleagues
who traded their office duties more
"A Rational Approach to Career Change" Celia Paul From PHYSICIAN EXECUTIVE (Vol.. 21, Issue 10, Oct. 1995, 42-3)
Medicine may have been a rewarding career for you,
but you have begun to feel that it is time to move on. But what,
you think, will replace your medical career? To properly focus on
which nonclinical career might work for you., several steps are
... read more
"Career Health: What Is It? Who Has It?" Dr. Stephen Rosen From BURLINGTON COUNTRY MEDICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER (Winter, 1998)
What are the career differences between the following two
physicians? The Thoracic Surgeon, highly conflicted about
walking away from his medical career, a source of self-esteem and
gratification. The Pediatrician-turned-MBA, who moved from
being an individual practitioner, healer, and caretaker, to having
well-defined business relationships, board-room experiences ...
read more
"Changing Careers: Is The Grass Truly Greener On The Other Side?" Dr. Stephen Rosen and Celia Paul From REVIEWS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY (P.44, November 1998)
In a survey of 1,300 physicians done fairly recently, 63
percent said they wouldn't recommend medicine as a career to their
children, explaining that society does not value the immense amount
of hard work and intelligence it takes. Because of this feeling
of ... read more
"Is There Life After Surgery?" Stephen Rosen, Ph.D. From "MEDICAL CAREER MATTERS" (1997)
It's no longer a surprise that many surgeons are reconsidering
their career options. About 63 percent of 1,302 physicians would
not recommend clinical medicine as a career to their children ...
read more
"Recruiter Versus Career Counselors: When To Do What" Dr. Stephen Rosen & Celia Paul From " CAREER RENEWAL" (1998)
A thermos may have the most resilient and savvy
"career" of any inanimate object since it keeps hot stuff hot, cold
stuff cold -- and, what's more, knows when to do what. Are you resilient
and savvy enough to know when to do what with your career? When
do you use search firms or recruiters? When do you use career consultants?
And when do you use neither?... read
"Thinking About Leaving Practice? Read This First" Mark Crane From Medical Economics
The values you cherish most could be hard to fulfill
in other lines of work. Here's how some doctors plan to make medicine
fun again. It's no secret that many physicians - perhaps even a
majority - become disenchanted with medicine sometime during their
careers. The threat of malpractice, growing third-party interference,
and escalating paperwork even cause some to look around - to consider
switching into something else.... read
"How Healthy Is Your Career?" Stephen Rosen, Ph.D. From PHYSICS WORLD (May 1998)
In the 5th century B.C., Hippocrates said that it is very
important to know what diseases the person has, than what person
has the disease. Similarly today it is less important to know what
career a person has than what person has the
career ... read more
"Proven Survival Strategies For Independent Start-Ups" Stephen Rosen From ENTREPRENEUR (April 1987, p. 109)
There are three types of start-up entrepreneurs: those that make
things happen, those that watch things happen, and those that wonder
what happened. A recent study of 68 surviving new business established
by... read more
Making Healthy Career Transitions and Choices By Stephen Rosen
Do you have a healthy career? If you are confronted with a transition you
did not initiate, will you thrive? Most professionals will change
direction several times during their career, or even transiform
their careers completely. read